Il n'est pas difficile de trouver nombre de femmes inspirantes à un poste de pouvoir dans le monde moderne. Mais les noms des femmes du passé résonnent quant à eux avec moins d'écho. Bien que les documents qui nous parviennent ne reflètent pas nécessairement avec précision les milliers d'années qui nous précèdent - le récit était bien souvent dominé par les hommes qui narrent avec force détails les exploits d'autres hommes, les femmes n'apparaissent souvent que lorsqu'elles sont dénigrées - l'Histoire a été à plusieurs reprises marquées par des femmes puissantes. ➡ source
To challenge Confucian beliefs that "having a woman rule [is] as unnatural as having a hen crow like a rooster", Wu began a campaign to elevate the status of women, recruiting scholars to write biographies of famous women, and giving members of her mother's clan high political posts. As the years passed, Wu steadily eliminated her opponents, by exile at best and grisly death at worst. But as brutal as her rise to power undoubtedly was, her rule proved to be an enlightened one. By the time she died 15 years later, Wu had created a powerful and prosperous regime and social stability. Yet despite her undoubted achievements, history has been unkind to Wu Zetian, with accounts describing her as having "a heart like a serpent and a nature like that of a wolf ... she is hated by gods and men alike". Today, most historians admit that her ruthlessness and cruelty were no worse than those of male emperors at the time. She has simply been the victim of double standards, reinforced by the sexism of the Confucian beliefs followed by official Chinese historians over the centuries. ➡ source
Charme 79
Créativité 71
Confiance 85
Altruisme 52
Sensibilité 56
Détermination 95
Spiritualité 63